Monday, April 4, 2016

Trekking the National Parks

I was spoiled to death during Teacher Appreciation Week. To death. Honestly, these parents give so much to the school in order to help their children receive the best education possible. They donate time and money. I teach in such a wonderful, supportive community. Sometimes I think Teacher Appreciation Week has gotten out of hand. But, nevertheless, it IS nice to be spoiled.

I was given this gift by a couple of students--they are twins. Isn't it just perfect for us? I loved the smiling, excited looks on their faces when they presented it to me. We finally played it the other night and it is SO FUN! TR even liked it and he is quite selective about his board games. Of course, it didn't hurt that he beat me 27 to 25. Obviously we love the national parks and this game is just wonderful.

Spring Break 2016 is full of a variety of activities!

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