Sunday, September 30, 2012

Something Fresh

We have it pretty good, yet at the same time, we live by this creed: use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. Well, after nearly eight years of use, service, cleaning, and bleach, I decided our kitchen towels were letting us know they would soon be giving up the ghost!

Kohl's was having a sale yesterday and they sent us these coupons in the mail and we found more coupons stuck to the newspaper and so, we just had to go! I have relegated our old stash of kitchen towels to the box in storage labeled "ranger apartment" in case The Mister has to leave me again for employment. Somehow, he can still get by with these, but WE can't!

I do not have an eye for decor at all, but I chose this particular ensemble and K did not say he could not abide it. It's just so nice to have something new and fresh once every eight years or so!

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