Slept in. Love our bed. You can't even know the difference from where we've been sleeping. On the phone tonight I said, "Honey, I'm not trying to brag or make you jealous or anything, but when I crawled in last night, every cell in my body just said 'Ahhhhh.....'" Showered. Love our shower. And our nice hair and bathing products. We've been living skimpy in YELL. Took care of mail, appointments, business, etc. Met a friend for lunch. She's also a teacher so that was practically professional development. I read a blog post about #carPD where teachers travel together to professional development in distant places, chattering about their work the whole way, sharing ideas, etc. So I guess we could call this #lunchPD.
As per a summer homework assignment, I went to see The Croods at the "dollar" theater (it was really $1.50). Then I went to Costco because this place hasn't seen fresh produce for months. Literally, months. The blueberries are so good I'm speechless.
Now that I have internet access, I looked up the online newspaper from my home town to see what's been happening. One of my favorite articles is the WEEKLY FIRE, POLICE, AND AMBULANCE REPORT. Some of the things make me chuckle and others illustrate beautifully the rural place from which I hail. Are you ready?
Horse on the loose.
Report of loud music coming from the back of a local establishment.
Request law enforcement for male who has been drinking and is getting hard to handle.
Antlers stolen.
Haystack fire.
Saw light on in neighbor's garage. Suspicious activity.
Report missing dog.
Eight kids in alley causing a ruckus.
Report of a dead deer.
Female has possibly taken pills and is being unruly and uncooperative.
Report of a flat bed trailer parked on the wrong side of a county road.
Jay Leno could have a lot of fun with this type of material..."So...decribe exactly the way your antlers look."
6 days ago
LOVE these police reports :) I get my local police reports here, I wish they were more like these!