What a wonderful day! Oh, I can fall so quickly in love with a new batch of fifth graders...they have made me smile all day. I know, I know...it's the "honeymoon" period of the school year, but still, they are so new and sparkly and full of hopes and dreams. They want to please and be good (and they are good)and they laugh at all of my jokes.
One girl walked in with an ice cold Pepsi (I don't drink soda, but K does) with a cute note typed, cut, and taped to it all wrapped up with a piece of colorful yarn. A mystery person left three morning glory blossoms on my desk after recess. One girl created a beautiful and glittery design for me which she brought to back-to-school night. I am certain every teacher has received similar "peace offerings" today, but each one makes me smile at the adoration these trusting souls have for their New Teacher.
I had to take a picture of a framed photo of our team picture. We dressed as cave people as inspired by The Croods. Even I am okay with the way it turned out and I am so thankful for my neighbor who sewed the costume. Sadly, you can't really see my headband with matchy zebra fabric wrapped around it. Loved being barefoot for the photo shoot, the video shoot, and the skit we performed (we were in costume for 2.5 hours and "on stage" more than we knew we would be). If the principal wants to blackmail us, she's got footage to do it!
Another great part of the day was seeing last year's students, the big sixth graders that they are now. It's so sweet that they even want to hug me. They are thrilled with their new teachers and some of them have an added skip in their step. Four incredulous boys just had to let me know that they are in four separate classes this year! Wow, I wonder how that happened!
In other news, TR emailed to let me know they've been instructed to prepare to evacuate due to a fire. Part of the Grand Loop road is closed. He has a bag packed with a few things in his vehicle. He asked if there was anything I wanted him to grab for me. I asked for my sheepskin slippers--they are a bit sentimental. If they are told to evacuate, he will go to one of two places depending on the urgency of the situation. Ash was falling on him as he presented the evening program tonight. More adventures in Yellowstone National Park! Today is THE twenty-fifth anniversary of the big fires of 1988--they call it Black Saturday. To "celebrate" they were told to prepare to evacuate!
In still other news, don't ever try the sugar free cantaloupe bundt cake in the August issue of Diabetic Living magazine. No, I have not been diagnosed with diabetes, but I am now receiving all of my deceased mother's mail, so I spotted this recipe and gave it a whirl. I had never tried sugar free cake mix and will likely never try it again. I liked the idea of a cut up cantaloupe blended in the blender to make a moist cake, but I think what really happened over the last forty-eight hours is fermentation. It reeked when I got home tonight so I threw the thing in the trash. Ever heard of cantaloupe cake? Yeah, there might be a reason you haven't. Now we know.
The team pictures looks great!