Monday 17 June 2013...
K had to be interviewed (yes, on his day off) by a federal agent as part of his major background check. After that, we took off on a little weekend trip! We stopped at the Lower Falls of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone as well as the Brink of the Upper Falls. We drove through Lamar Valley which was rich with green and bison and antelope and other things unseen. We had a great picnic lunch with homemade potato salad and cold cherries. We hiked to and around Trout Lake and witnessed the cutthroat trout spawning. So MUCH energy in the water! We drove the whole Chief Joseph Highway--spectacular! We cooked Manwich/sloppy joes on our campstove for dinner.
It was a beautiful day with a wonderful man and I am grateful for all these experiences!
I love these great vistas you photographed. That place is huge! And that river you photographed looks so far down!