Tuesday 06/25/2013
We slept in. I read while K sorted through some maps, books, and papers. We had gospel study together. We made grilled Swiss cheese for lunch and then he was on duty at 2:00 p.m. I proceeded to "deep clean" the kitchen which revealed a nasty leak under the kitchen sink. I also read a lot on my Kindle. I made taco soup and orange rolls for K's lunch break at 7:00 p.m.--he loved it because it's been cold and rainy today! He went back to work and I drove out to Mary Bay for cell service that isn't that great (one bar). Then I went to K's evening program at 9:30 p.m. at Fishing Bridge. The weather started to clear so he didn't have to cancel. I love his theme! K's boss sat by me and took lots of notes. She said she hopes he comes back next year.
I'm having a hard time getting myself to hike alone in Yellowstone because it's "against the rules" sort of. An employee was approached near our home by a grizzly recently while hiking alone, so even though I carry bear spray, I guess I just don't want to risk it. A black bear had to be put down at Canyon on Saturday after approaching two people who were eating at their picnic table. He got within six feet of them and they backed off. The bear naturally started eating their food and that was the end of that bear. I guess I'll stick to the ranger led hikes and guided walks. Come visit us and hike with me! A bear has never approached a party with more than three people.
I'd have trouble hiking alone, too. I'm glad you are safe - stay that way! :)