Saturday 06/29/2013
Today is my nephew's birthday. It's also the day my friend Marsha, who is in her fifties, is getting married for the first time. So happy for her!
I went to K's ranger led hike again because it's beautiful and it's good exercise (2.3 miles). This way, I can hike in a group! What a difference the weather makes in the ranger's pace! Last week, it was cloudy and threatening rain and he was really booking it! I didn't realize it because that was my first experience on that trail. This week was sunny and and he was sauntering. In fact, it's called the Storm Point Saunter.
K got off work early so we could get out of the park. We left at 3:20 p.m. and got to our destination at 11:00 p.m. So many miles! What?
I haven't kept track of my miles this summer, however, I do know these two statistics: I have ENTERED Yellowstone National Park 8 times this year. I have SLEPT in Yellowstone National Park 16 nights this year. You do the math. I have got to stop running around and stay put for a few days!