We finally made it to Oregon Caves. It's a destination, to be sure, not something you just stop off and do. It's actually just one cave, but that's the name because there are multiple entrances and they used to think there were multiple caves. The cave is marble which metamorphized (another word?) from limestone. The moss made for a slippery entrance and we weren't allowed to use our own lights (they were afraid we would shine them into the faces of other visitors...I would think using our own lights would make things more safe), but we got through everything okay. Some people chose to leave the tour with a volunteer because it was getting a little long (90 minute tour) and sketchy for them. They have lots of Harvesters in their cave, especially in the really long exit tunnel and we also saw a bat (myotis). We always manage to find snow on Spring Break and there it was, at the exit.
3 days ago
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