On Friday evening, we fairly collapsed. I can't even remember it, really.
On Saturday, we slept in (clear until 6:09 a.m. for me!) and then I went to my little rehearsal and K went to work. I cleaned and cleaned. Our hot date on Saturday night was Pho. I ordered pho and K tasted mine. He played it safe with orange chicken.
Sunday was church--3 hours for K and 5 hours for me. As I was observing a nursery class (ages 18 mos-3 yrs), I noticed there were some strong personality traits in that particular group of children--all sorts of cheek grabbing, head smacking, snack stealing, and tug-o-war with shoes and toys and whatnots. I personally would never want to meet up with Helen in a roller derby. Ronald was laughing hysterically one moment and inflicting pain on some trusting little soul the next. I love that I've never seen any of these children before in their lives and yet they come to me, lean on me, slouch into me, and climb up on me. One little tyke asked if I liked his tie. So darling.
And then Monday. We went to my school to work in my classroom. After awhile (I ran out of jobs for him), I sent K to the gym to shoot baskets so I could concentrate on a few matters by myself. We ate lunch at Culver's--I don't even want to guess what percentage of fat is in that custard. Then we went for a walk. Yes! A walk. We walked for an hour. Such an old-fashioned thing to do, but we loved it. It was around forty degrees so that was perfect. And then we explored some of the backroads in the Greater Lehi Area. Upon returning home we made Chicken Wheat Chili (tasty!). K tucked me into bed and said, "It was so fun hanging out with you today!" Likewise, my Dear, likewise.
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