My husband keeps me entertained. As in "laughing-so-hard-I'm-shifting-gears" entertained.
He is forever saying things such as, "Heavenly Father loves you more than me." And other untrue-isms. I have a habit of counting my blessings aloud and he has a habit of seeing those blessings and agreeing with me. He is not so apt to counting his own blessings aloud, so I guess it always seems like I'm winning, which I am not. The Lord loves K more than me! But really, it's not a competition.
For some strange reason, my back began to hurt during Church on Sunday. Curious. It got worse throughout the day. I was moaning and groaning and worried that I would never feel well again thinking, "This is it. I am officially old now. This is when the aches and pains begin to set in." I tried stretching. I tried alternating Tylenol with ibuprofen. I began to wonder about alternating ice and heat, but thought I should at least consult the internet to see if that was a wise course. Never got around to the internet.
Bedtime arrived. It hurt to crawl in. It hurt to lie still. I attempted to turn onto my side and it hurt. I managed to turn to the other side. I just prayed I could sleep a little. Water leaked from my eyes as I thought that I might just get a little teensy reprieve from my oppositions and then realized that no, here I was in the middle of a new trial. I concluded that my back pain was all my fault due to my weight and that it was my lot to suffer the natural consequences. The last thing I said to K was, "Don't leave in the morning until I am out of this bed because I might need your help getting up!"
The alarm dictated the beginning of a new day. I stayed still and assessed my own well-being. Not a twinge. I rolled over. All parts seemed to be in good working order. I stood up. Gracefully. Everything felt fine. Just fine. I blurted into the darkness, "Honey, I'm so blessed!" He has a hard time with my Happy Little Bunny routine first thing in the morning. There was no reply. My joy was full and so I persisted, "I'm healed! My back doesn't hurt at all!" Because, you know, just hours prior I was on Death's door. And he said...
"Yes, it's just sickening how much Heavenly Father loves you. Of course your back feels fine. Of course you walk away from car accidents without a scratch. It's just sickening." I laughed. Heartily.
For the record, we are both tremendously blessed and there are no ill feelings from my husband. His expressions are just a little on the hilarious side at times.
6 days ago
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