So we visited the Provo City Center Temple this afternoon for the very first time--never even made it to the open house. It was beautiful and we were doing endowments for my French ancestors which is a tribute to my French mom--tomorrow will be our fifth Mother's Day without her. We were also asked to be the witness couple which is something I always interpret as a special message from Heavenly Father as if He's saying, "I'm so glad you're here. I know your heart, especially on this weekend what with no children of your own and your husband leaving soon. Just wanted to remind you about how aware I am of you." Before it burned, I sang in the Provo Tabernacle once for stake conference. This was my first time "back."
While we were getting settled in the endowment room, an older man approached the temple worker (who may have been all of twenty years old) at the altar and in a not-so-subtle and pretty loud stage whisper, he said, "That woman over there is coughing and it sounds like a SICK cough! She has a sick cough!" The temple worker remained silent and so the man went on gesturing with both hands and arms, "I mean...I don't know what your POLICY is, but that is a SICK COUGH!" Honestly, his round, wild eyes glancing suspiciously over at the woman just about had me in hysterics. For him, it was nigh unto a crime scene and for me it was like being on the set of Saturday Night Live! I'll have you know, I maintained great self control and did not bust out in giggles. It was close, though. I am laughing out loud right now as I type! The temple worker just smiled at the man and stated, "It's okay." So the man sat down on the front row and that lady coughed once more. You could hear him muttering over there, "That's a SICK cough!" He really thought his life was in jeopardy. The woman was coughing, but I think it was mostly from moving into the room. She was pretty quiet during the entire session with just an occasional cough here and there. I probably wouldn't have noticed had the guy not made a big deal out of it. But each time she did cough...there was a LOUD sigh emanating from that man. He was ready to save ALL of our lives if only someone would LISTEN to him! K and I had a great chuckle over it at the Olive Garden.
We decided to call ourselves "The Lost Table" at the Olive Garden. We were seated after our buzzer went off and then promptly left for dead. Finally, someone came over and said, "Hello, I am NOT your server, but I finally found her and she should be here soon. Can I get you started with some drinks?" K ordered Cherry Coke and I ordered water. The guy said, "I'll also bring some bread sticks with your drinks." After some time, a different guy brought our drinks and then promptly left us for dead once again. After more time passed, a woman came over and took our order. The bread sticks were long gone by then. Meanwhile, some people arrived in the booth next to us and were promptly served as if they were real customers. Then someone brought food to them, but it wasn't their food. It was OUR food! But before we could get the server's attention, he had told them, "Okay, let me go find out where this food goes!" Then of course, they got their food. Right? They got their food before we got ours and we had been sitting there for quite some time. Then our food arrived and it was good. When she brought the check, she brought six mints. SIX! I think that's their way of saying, "Sorry we left you for dead."
6 days ago
I cannot stop laughing! Wish I had been there! I don't brave temples anymore on Saturdays.