Nope, not a nature post.
I completed my obligations with my school and school district for 2015-2016 yesterday afternoon. Then I went to Round Table. Then I found out the stake presidency is asking something more so I promptly delegated all that to my two amazing counselors. And then I went to bed after talking to and praying with my husband. Without setting an alarm.
I slept as LONG as I wanted. I made it to 5:36 a.m.! This is better than my usual 4:30 a.m. alarm. I took my time this morning instead of getting to the gym by the time they open at 5:00 a.m. I didn't start my workout until 7:00 a.m. And know what?
I went to the GROCERY STORE!!! First time since May 7th. May has just been so demanding and I've barely been making it to the next deadline, multiple times daily. I grabbed a small cart and just immersed myself in the produce department. I chatted up the produce man (as I usually do) and he told me about their training (put the red onions between the yellow onions and white onions so everything is more eye-catching). I got mixed greens with herbs as well as fresh spinach. Apples, mushrooms, fresh raspberries (long gone by now), avocado, tomato, and Chobani. And more. I'm going to make soup. And this all brings me joy.
Eating out does not bring joy to me. Other people really think it's a nice thing, but it's not a treat to me. Just biting into something fresh and alive brings me joy. Chopping and slicing. Lots of vegetables. That's my thing.
And now that my Chobani is gone, I can think about books. What to read and how to spend my gift cards. For the first time in weeks and weeks I do not feel exhausted.
6 days ago
You are a seriously HARD worker! Which I love, because that is me too ;) I got up this morning and went for a walk, then went over to the church pavilion and sprayed down and scrubbed the dozen picnic tables because I'm hosting my sister-in-law's bridal shower there tomorrow. I got 9,000 steps before 9 a.m.! And now to grade papers for BYU Independent Study, do laundry, and work on some of my digital scrapbooking. Sometimes it's all busy work, but I think work and working hard is a good thing. :)