This is one of my MIL's favorite places and let me tell ya, it is the BEST botanical center ever! The story behind it is really cool too! A couple bought this little piece of property, seventeen acres, which had been used as a trash pit. It was overgrown and they couldn't even walk around their purchase without using a machete to get through. They discovered old rusted-out abandoned vehicles and all sorts of rubbish. They also discovered a hidden waterfall! And this property went right down to a beautiful beach. So they cleaned it up. And they made a botanical center. And they gave it to the people of Hawai'i. Isn't that the best? It's quite the little hike down in and back up out, but it's so worth it. What a beautiful, inspiring place to be. When I was down by the ocean I called my dad just to say "hi" and to let him know I was in Hawai'i. I would highly suggest this to any traveler.
This was near Hilo. We took the Saddleback Road back across the island which was really cool. I swear, we drove almost everywhere on the Big Island.
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