Student walked in with a hiking stick this morning and so I asked, "Oh? What is this?" She smiled, "It's a SURPRISE!" And then she gave it to me. I love it and will keep it forever! So much heart has been invested in that stick. Her family likes to hike and it's something she found somewhere and then put her soul into. I cannot believe I am the lucky recipient. I wonder what she will grow up to be someday.
I always have to enter grades concerning student learning habits. After years of doing this, I thought I would find out what the students thought of themselves when it comes to learning habits (scale of 1 to 10). This particular one caught my attention... I mean..."negative 27?" I wonder what he will grow up to be someday.
We had the dress rehearsal for tomorrow's dance festival. We hauled our chairs out to the field. Students were sitting in one long row. I walked along just eyeballing things when I discovered someone without ANY ribbons (everyone else had one attached to each arm and leg!). I asked and was informed that the ribbons were on his desk. I sent him in to retrieve them. He was gone far too long. I sent another to retrieve the boy. Out he came with ribbons! I assumed he would put them on while seated with the class outdoors. I assumed the wrong thing. His ribbons were on the grass next to his chair. I recruited three classmates and the four of us had him decked out in ribbons in 30 seconds flat! For the LOVE! Our fifth graders did great by the way! ;)
I hope they will all remember to tell me what they grew up to be!
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