I was so surprised by this national park. I was picturing some hot springs out in the woods. You know, in a more natural setting. But no. This park is on a city street in Hot Springs, Arkansas and you basically walk up and down Bathhouse Row. The historic tour at Fordyce was very interesting! We did several other things in the area like the Big Tower on top of the "mountain." We did drink the water and were surprised to see how many people were lined up on the sidewalk at the fountain to fill all of their glass jugs with that water. It comes out of the ground at 143 degrees. I guess it makes sense that they would have covered each of the 47 springs long ago to make money. Wonder how the Native American's felt about that. Anyway, we had a nice time, but I was limping around slowly due to my injury. Nice weather, but windy.
2 weeks ago