Best December of my life! One of the reasons was the opportunity we had to travel to the Billings Montana Temple to help escort my oldest sister as she ventured there to take some important steps on her own journey. We were joined by one of my younger sisters as well. Fortuitously, the special day fell on my own baptism anniversary. I could not have orchestrated things better. God really does care about the details of our lives. We had a wonderful evening there and returned the following morning to take care of some ordinances in behalf of our mother. Additionally, we (collective we) took care of ordinances for our uncle as well as our sister's son. The second counselor in the temple presidency is someone we have known for decades--great to catch up with him and his wife. My husband helped us with so many things and I felt a great amount of joy and peace--plain old happiness! I love to see the temple and I love to be there with members of my family!
6 days ago
Great pictures - wonderful days!