Lake is the only area of the park that puts on a Parade for Independence Day and it is a very long-standing tradition. I'm so glad I got to go--it warmed my heart and gave me those patriotic feelings. The visitors loved it! We were gathered on the front porch of the General Store at 6:00 p.m. Notice the weather in the background--it was raining spit, but no lightning, so the show went on! It is no doubt the shortest parade I've ever witnessed, but it was GRAND! People from the Lake Clinic were there with cardboard "patients" in the wheelchairs, the fire truck was driven by Harlan Kredit, the back country patrol rangers had their horses, the lake patrol was there with a boat, the Xanterra employees had a festive truck, bear management brought their cage, the tow truck was there, and bringing up the rear was the yellow Yellowstone bus from the Lake Hotel which guessed it, painted yellow (the oldest hotel in YNP).
6 days ago
This sounds phenomenal - every brought what they had. It's like Stone Soup! I love it!