I went to see the doctor today and on the way home I stopped off at Costco. We've been staying away from the store due to our out-of-town-ed-ness. It was time. It makes me so happy to have fresh vegetables and fruits! Would you just look at that color??? Honestly, it screams, I don't know, it screams something like, "You KNOW you want me!!!" I even got a little feng shui about it by selecting five vegetables and three fruits. When you throw in a little tuna, it all adds up to nine, which seemed like the right thing to do. My husband laughs at me when I make such expeditions and then proceed to play with my food. After snapping a photo, I set about portioning everything according to expiration dates so that nothing will spoil. And then I cooked. And I ate. And I am so grateful.
From where does this gratitude stem? I know not. I have never been deprived of food. We ate fresh fruits and vegetables all throughout my childhood. I remember my mom cutting up two cantaloupes, musk melons she called them, and letting us have at it for dessert. This afternoon I found myself visualizing the migrant workers in California whose hands harvested most of this stuff and wondered if any of their experiences are similar to those I've read in Esperanza Rising. And then I thought about the affliction known as White Nose Syndrome affecting so many bats. It is rapidly moving west across the United States. Also, the bee colonies have been collapsing for several years now. What will happen if we lose all of our pollinators? It means so much to me to have access to quality nutrition.
Perhaps next time I'll get avocado and pineapple. They were calling my name but alas, I had to draw the line somewhere.
Looks beautiful!