So, we woke up on Thursday morning to three inches of snow and howling winds. We did not stick our hands into Lake Huron. We scraped the ice off the rental car and drove across the Mackinac Bridge which happens to be 28 feet short of five miles in length. We were determined to make it to Pictured Rocks, another NPS site on the shores of Lake Superior near Munising, Michigan. So, we made it. Slowly, carefully, and with lots of prayer. We found a restaurant that was open called The Navigator. We blew through the front door and order a pasty. Pasties are all the rage in the Upper Peninsula (the U.P.). They are mostly made of seasoned beef and potato and encased in a little dough (much like a pot pie, but there are differences). After lunch, we blew back to the car and managed to make it a few blocks more to the Visitor Center for Pictured Rocks. The ranger there explained that she was planning to go out for lunch but didn't dare leave the building (and she was born and raised in the U.P.) due to the storm. She did tell us about one waterfall that she thought we could get to in spite of the weather. So, of course, we headed to Munising Falls. The rain poncho in the picture was mostly used as an extra layer of warmth to block the wind, not so much for the precipitation. After the waterfall, we decided to cancel our reservation in Green Bay, Wisconsin and hole up for the rest of the afternoon and evening, so we checked into a hotel and had the pool to ourselves for as long as we wanted it (we left after 1.5 hours). We found dinner at an establishment long on character but short on salad bar offerings called the Dogpatch. I ordered whitefish this time and K had the Earthquake Burger (you'll have to ask him more about it).
6 days ago
Jody, your blog is a beautiful thing! Great writing, great photos, great life! I admire all your adventures and love reading about them. Keep posting!