We traveled to St. George for K's cousin's wedding in the St. George Temple. K wasn't feeling so great the morning we left. He was still "under the influence" from surgery, so I did all of the driving. St. George usually has lovely weather this time of year, but it rained almost the whole time we were there and we drove through a huge snowstorm on the way back. In fact, K wasn't feeling so swell on the way back either. So, this wasn't your typical weekend getaway to St. George in midwinter, but we still had a nice time visiting K's family and participating in some of the wedding festivities. We were glad the hotel was nearby so we could have some down time when we needed it. Fortunately for the bride and groom, the rain stopped just long enough for their pictures at the temple.
Speaking of the temple, it was so nice to be there. I was very happy to sit next to my eternal sweetheart in the sealing room reflecting on our own marriage ceremony. We are thrilled for the bride and groom and their endeavors in life together. We were glad to see K's family members from Iowa and cousin J who just returned from her mission two days prior! We met another cousin's newest baby and got to visit with The Sweetest Grandpa in the World. Sorry--no captions for these pics!
Your blog is soooooo cute! Glad to have the address!