I'm sure photos would jazz this up, but I'm just going to write for a minute.
Each August for these last seven summers, has been a roller coaster of emotions. I adore living with my husband in Yellowstone. I adore teaching. I wish I could somehow live with him year round, but I haven't found a way to do that. And so I leave Yellowstone, with all the emotions, and then I prepare for a new school year, with all the emotions. It is exhausting.
I don't think I mention enough how blessed we are! All of our needs are met. We have a fairly peaceful life. We love our jobs and coworkers! We have been incredibly protected in our travels. We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives! I'm sometimes reminded of a little song we used to sing at the preschool where I taught while working my way through college:
Oh, the Lord is good to me!
And so I thank the Lord!
For giving me
the things I need,
the sun and the rain and the apple seed.
The Lord is good to me!
When I got back to the classroom, I was SO excited due to the anticipation of who might be on my class list. I knew some of the family names of some of the children, but I found myself filled with a great desire to do my best for them. Open House came and went and we already have two weeks finished! My first impression on the first day was BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL. They are so earnest and darling and hilarious, of course! I cannot believe it's my thirtieth year of teaching! Where does the time go? This is my calling, my life's work, and I am honored to have spent it among school children (many years to go still...I'm not that old yet).
This is my path. This is my jam. My part of the vineyard. This seems to be where the Lord has need of me.
I also want to mention the unique blessing of living seven summers in the world's first national park, a World Heritage Site. We have learned so many things which are part of our marriage adventure. We have many friends in the park service who are like family members. The rangers surprised my husband with a little card and he had me read all of the sincere and complimentary things that each person wrote about him and his leadership style. It made me cry that he was recognized because he's so quiet and never toots his own horn. I felt so peaceful just being in the same room with him this weekend. He is such a Gift to me. It's understandable that we never get used to living apart. How do the military families do it?
This is not the life I had conjured for myself. I thought our home would have children. I thought I would form close friendships with other women. I thought I would be doing "all the things" that I see my friends doing with their children and their girlfriends. I don't know why I've been such an oddity and late bloomer, but I am glad for all the experiences I've had because I have grown in many ways. I have spent almost thirty years willingly locked in a school with elementary students. Throw in a little volunteering, recreation, and travel...and those nine summers as a National Park Ranger, and that about sums up my existence. I marvel at all the people who are dear gems to me, who have tolerated my quirks and flaws, supporting me along the way. It's going to be a good year with some challenges. This little post is all over the place, but I needed to count my blessings and reflect on all that I've been given. The Lord is good to me!
3 days ago