Back in the day I attended this Young Single Adult Ward at Church. That's where I met the Hirsch Boys and the Sanders Boys. I'm not sure why I became friends with all those guys...maybe it's because some of them were my home teachers, but at any rate, we're still friends. When Jeff married Rina our friendship became dormant, which is only good and right. I did call him up once to tell him I was engaged and he asked me what my fiance did for a living. When I told him he was a park ranger, Jeff said, "Ah, that's just perfect for ya, Jod." I'm pretty sure I met Rina before they were properly engaged and I remember that she gave me a gift at the time. Well, she's been giving me gifts ever since! Whether we visit them in Phoenix or they visit us in Yellowstone, the girl is always showing up with presents! I think it may be her Love Language. I'm so glad Rina reached out to me on Facebook several years ago. We reconnected in person in January of 2014 when they were visiting family in Utah. That's the first time they met Ken and the first time I met their children. We're not in touch all of the time, but "lately" we've seen each other more often and it was a pleasure to spend a day in the park with them. Their children are funny, brilliant, and beautiful. Because of the nature of Jeff's work (and Ken's work), I've actually been able to spend more time with Rina and the kids. She is so nice!
They got to go on Ken's Geyser Hill Walk before they left the park. I hope they'll come play with us again.