Hello from I-80, Cheyenne, Wyoming. It's actually 45 degrees here on a December afternoon/evening, but the wind, the wind is still blowing. Oh, Wyoming.
So after checking in to our hotel we went to this little sub place in a little strip of stores near a grocery market...Silver Mine Subs, perhaps?
While waiting for our food, a postal worker in uniform came in to order some take-out. She spoke great English but it was obviously her second language. And she looked darling in her uniform--she wore it well, you know; by the way she wore her complete uniform you could tell she was a completely dedicated employee. And she looked tired. Bone tired. She actually put her head down on her arms leaning on the table and closed her eyes for a few minutes while waiting in a booth. She got two bowls of chili, but I don't know what else she ordered.
So I thought about her, as I do about so many people on this planet (if you only knew). I wondered which Asian country she calls "home." I wondered if she was married to an American. I wondered how long she's been with the USPS. I wondered if she had little kids at home. And then I assumed some things.
I assumed she was raised in a place where New Year's is a REALLY BIG DEAL. I've only lived in one Asian country (Japan), but I've had friends from other Asian countries and New Year's is better than Christmas. And then I assumed she would have to work tomorrow as well. And I assumed she wishes she could be home to clean, clean, clean to bring in the New Year properly. And she probably needs to shop and cook. And I assumed Sunday might be her only day off.
Mostly I assumed she was going to eat and bathe and go to sleep. And do it all over again tomorrow. In her full uniform. Because that's how her parents raised her. And she is making her way in America. For whatever reasons. She is on her way here in Cheyenne, Wyoming. And I wish her the best. I'm in her cheering section. She has no clue how much my heart goes out to her.
I really hope the chili hit the spot.
3 days ago