So I'm the stake Primary president which means I'm also a Unit Commissioner in the scouting organization. I'm trying to get my people to submit themselves to training by being a good example, so I've been taking more training and now I have SEVENTEEN certificates in my binder! SEVENTEEN! Such a range! I have certificates for everything from Physical Wellness to Safety Afloat to Trek Safely. And I must say...my testimony of scouting has been strengthened! The training is there. Training saves time. If only people would DO their training.
Oh, my new class is so great! They are wonderful people!!! I was just scrolling through their photos and smiling all the while. Today was our sixth day together and they have perfect attendance so far (unheard of!). The little dearhearts...sigh.
Speaking of dearhearts...I had this IDEA for a science bulletin board (no Pinterest, people, MY idea!) but I'm not artsy enough to bring those ideas to fruition. So LAST YEAR'S Room Mother says, "I'll make it for you!" And she did. Isn't she incredible??? All I had were the roasting sticks and she did the rest. I just can't make fire unless it's, you know, a
real fire.
We have a camping theme going on. My Author's Chair this year is a camp chair. How easy was that? All of my Battle of the Books books are stored in the cooler that says "cool books." How punny is that? I had the students choose a bandana at Back-to-School Night with the assignment to bring a favorite object tied up in it the following morning to help us get through introductions. Those bandanas were tied around everything from dance trophies to footballs to stuffed animals to family photos...and, bless my teacher soul, one girl brought a book! My mom collected owls so I grabbed that little light when she passed away to use as a symbol of wisdom and learning in my classroom. The students turn it off when we leave for lunch or recess and they turn it back on when we return to class for more instruction.
There was snow on Timp Saturday morning 23 August 2014!
We made a cave in our classroom because we're going to visit a certain cave in the near future. Thanks, Science Guy, you're the BEST!