Wednesday 25 June 2014
Got to VOLUNTEER today!!! It was fun! We hauled old boards from Mud Volcano to the dump truck. We were working with three scouts troops from Laredo, Texas--great bunch of kids!!! Ranger Tom, Ranger Rita, Volunteer Siri, Volunteer Susan...and no pictures of myself. I ended up hiking 24 bottles of water up those steep slopes (and pushing a wheel barrow up and carrying planks down) and at the end when the sprained ankle and the slivers and everything else came crashing down at once (the kids, not me), it turns out I was the only one with a first aid kit! Tweezers, gauze, triple antibiotic cream, ice pack, ankle wrap... So, yeah, I saved the day. Pretty much.
Wish you could have seen the circumference of that fresh bison patty. And it looks like a bison knows a great bison beach when he sees one. Who cares if the water is 130 degrees and has the acidity of battery acid...it's just