So...the battle continues.
I woke up this morning and went straight to the fitness center so I could get my workout in and be able to say...I have exercised for twenty-three weeks straight with a minimum of six times each week with each workout a minimum of thirty-five minutes. Met the nicest person who turned out to be the aunt of one of my current students! Also, I'm participating in this pedometer challenge at school so my workouts aren't hurting that little cause either. After returning home and showering, I made cauliflower curry soup for breakfast and cleaned the kitchen. Because I was on a roll, I showered, cleaned the bathroom, dressed, and went off to the temple! We talked to K's mom for about an hour on the phone and I read quite a bit since the school readathon is underway. And then we decided to take a walk!
We ended up walking over two miles so again, it all helps the pedometer! The river is so low this time of year that the lovely rusted out cars from years gone by are exposed. We chatted about this and that and actually ran into our neighbors who were also out walking and chatting! It was a lovely day.
After researching the ads and checking our account balance, we headed for the grocery store. We did not have peanut butter bars on our list. We also did not have Sara Lee chocolate cakes on our list...but I happen to be married to someone with a sweet tooth the size of Texas. I try. I try to persuade him to make treats (or let ME make the treats) from scratch (we have all the ingredients! we have a recipe for peanut butter bars...), but I lost once again. Therefore, I photographed our fresh fruits and vegetables and the dry beans (whole foods!) which will soak and cook overnight to prove...PROVE! to SOMEONE out there...that I am making my little attempts to find balance between exercise and nutrition. Water is my favorite beverage (for reals). Sigh.
I love him so much. He is so tolerant of my grumpiness when I am in need of sleep in the evenings (in fact, he laughs heartily at some of my grumpy comments which I don't really think are that funny, but I guess it's the contrast in my personality that amuses him). I'm going to ask him one more time to hide the peanut butter bars.