Decorations--Yeah, J never got around to setting a pretty table. A couple candles, a few gourds...but we did use real cloth napkins. The parade was blaring on the television in the background. K arrived home Thanksgiving morning and J was already hard at work. K jumped in and helped with everything, including dishes and trash. We ate one big meal at 3:00 p.m. and had pie for "supper" around 9:30 p.m. We talked about our first Thanksgiving which was at the Red Lion in San Diego during our honeymoon. They had a Thanksgiving themed buffet. Doesn't matter where we are so long as we're together. We should invite others to join us and share all the bounty, but our time together is so limited that we just mostly keep to ourselves. Maybe someday we'll have someone besides ourselves for Thanksgiving.
Deviled Eggs--Well, for such an important holiday, we HAD to have an appetizer...
The Bird--This fourteen pounder cost one dollar thanks to J's coupon prowess! LOVE having our own turkey. LOVE getting all the leftovers! LOVE saving the bones for soup and stock!!! LOVE being the Kitchen Boss!
Whipped/Mashed Potatoes--I grew up calling them mashed, but K lets me know they're whipped. His family mashes with a potato masher by hand adding milk (and some salt?). My family uses the hand mixer and beaters to "mash" with milk, butter, and salt. K requested "whipped" and that was just fine by me.
Gravy--Yes, it's from a packet. K dumped in some of the juice from the turkey. I was willing to make gravy from scratch, but we just doctored up the packet.
Dressing Casserole--our version of stuffing, a recipe from K's mom.
Green Bean Casserole--K didn't request it, but J INSISTED. Certain foods BELONG to certain feasts.
Apricot Salad--not as good as our version of it last Christmas, but we did the best we could under the circumstances.
It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Pumpkin Pie (in J's opinion).
Can she bake a cherry pie, Billy Boy?